Sleep-Wake Cycle

Sleep-Wake Cycle

Sleep and Maintaining A Good Body Clock Each of us has an internal body clock called the Suprachaismatic Nucleus that regulates our daily sleep-wake patterns. This is often referred to as the “Body Clock” and it governs the release and timing of most mood,...
Thoughts Create Energy

Thoughts Create Energy

Wouldn’t it be great to have abundant energy during the day and still have plenty to do what we love after work? C.H.E.K. (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiologist) practitioners don’t treat the disease but the person. We teach those suffering from lack of energy...
Correct Breathing

Correct Breathing

Breathing is something that we do every day, at an unconscious level. For many people, breathing is a very underestimated function and they are completely unaware of the importance of proper and correct breathing. Let’s first take look at the functions of breathing....