Posture education for teenagers

Feb 4, 2021 | Posture



Many of the clients who come to see us at Posturefit fall in the 30+ age range. They’re feeling the effects of a lifetime of sporting injuries, poor posture, desk-bound work and even, in some instances, the consequences of early-method posture correction, such as spinal fusions for scoliosis.

Unfortunately, for most of us, education like what we provide at Posturefit just wasn’t available to us when we were younger. There simply wasn’t enough awareness and information about what could be done earlier on, to help us avoid pain and discomfort in later life.

Which is why we want to ensure that your children have access to information that can not only support a healthy body now as they are still developing, but also set them up for a stronger and more resilient body as they age.

Slouching, digital devices and sedentary lifestyles are doing their bit to already do damage to young bodies. We often see teens accompanying their parents to appopintments here at Posturefit who are showing signs of twists in their pelvis, dropped shoulders, forward-positioned head, or a drop in their knees or collapse in feet. ‘Text neck’ and poor posture is putting a strain on muscles, ligaments, tendons, discs, joints and their nervous system. Many of them are playing sports through their school or club, and without the right physical foundation, they’re experiencing injuries that continue to hold them back. They’re tensioned, misaligned and their body is already being pulled into positions it shouldn’t be. They’re facing headaches, fatigue, neck and back pain, and weakened muscles.

They’re on the fast track to a future like many of our older adult clients(before they start work with us), unless good intervention happens!

Helping them while their body is still young is one of the best things you can do for your teen. We know that young bodies are pliable. They learn well and are easily re-moulded and corrected. As we age, the learning curve towards correct body posture is not only harder, but the body itself is more rigid and less adaptable to change.

Parents who have worked through injury, pain or postural correction themself, already notice issues with their own child’s posture as their eye is trained to see neutral or the gravity lines that we work to. With the right education, you can help your teen avoid pain today, lay the groundwork for greater performance in sport, and set them up for a healthier future.

Our 10-week programme for teens is designed to help educate them through both static postures and movement, including standing positions, sitting positions and understanding how their body moves.

This incorporates:

  • Specific warmups

  • Postural awareness

  • Myofascial stretching

  • Spinal strengthening

  • Spinal decompression

  • Postural stability

  • Abdominal support

  • Joint control

Designed to improve internal support and stability, this course is valuable for budding athletes and sportspeople, as well as teens who are simply beginning to show signs of poor posture, pain or productivity issues.Our first course kicks off on February 17 at the Posturefit studio. Sessions run for one hour, from 4.15-5.15pm. Register your spot and purchase your ticket via Eventbrite or get in touch with us to find out more.

Michelle Owen

Michelle Owen

Michelle Owen is New Zealand’s most knowledgeable structural and postural health expert. She is highly trained in identifying and correcting dysfunctions in your body that may be causing pain, injury, or reduced physical performance. Michelle has refined a highly specialised approach to postural correction that blends extensive skills as a C.H.E.K Practitioner, corrective high-performance exercise kinesiologist, postural specialist, and strength coach. This methodology incorporates ELDOA and myofascial stretching, global postural stretching, functional range conditioning, kin stretch, and soma training. With this approach, she has helped hundreds of people find freedom in their body and relief from pain.


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Or call 021 770 153 or email [email protected]

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